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Overview of YSU


1920--Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)

1958--School of Heavy Machinery of HIT

1960--Northeast Heavy Machinery Institute

1978--A national key institution of higher education designatedby the State Council

1997—Yanshan University(YSU)

1998--Its administration wastransferred from Ministry of Machinery Industry to Hebei Provincial Government(HPG). YSU is co-administrated by the central and local government, in whichthe latter plays the principal role.

2006--YSU was co-constructed bythe Commission on Science,Technology, and Industry for NationalDefense and HPG.

2010--YSU was co-constructed by Ministryof Industry and Information Technology, National Defense Science and IndustryBureau and HPG.

2011—State Council approved the implementation of "supportingthe construction of YSU as a domestic well-known high-level university" putforward in the "higher education" part which is outlined in Hebei CostalArea Development Plan.

2014--YSU was co-constructed byHPG, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Ministry of Education.


YSU offers a large variety of 62 undergraduateprograms covering 8 disciplines including Engineering, Science, Liberal Art,Management, Economics, Law, Fine Arts and Education. YSU is a well-rounded nationalkey multiversity with emphasis on engineering studiesand strength attached toHeavyMachinery and Metastable Materials.

YSU offers 11 postdoctoral research stations, 11 firstlevel disciplines authorized to offer doctoral degrees (40 doctoral programs),27 first level disciplines authorized to offer master degrees (103 masterprograms), 18 disciplines authorized to offer master degrees of engineering, and9 disciplines authorized to offer professional master degrees includingBusiness Administration, Public Administration, Accounting, Translation andInterpretation, and Applied Statistics.

YSU has 5 national key disciplines, 4 national defensekey disciplines and 16 provincial key disciplines.

★ Faculty

YSU has a faculty of 2,000, 413 of whom are professors(including 200 doctoral advisors) and 630 associate professors. There are sevendistinguished professors from the Yangtze River Scholars Program,eight winners of the ChinaNational Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists, two scientists in National973 Plan Project and 863 Plan program,two distinguishedprofessors from One Thousand Person Plan, eight Alexander von Humboldt fellows,twelve National Outstanding Contribution specialists and National Millions ofTalents Project candidates,ninety experts who receive specialgovernment allowance from the State Council, eleven winners of New CenturyTalents Plan from Ministry of Education, and 6 national-level model teachers.

YSU owns one Innovative Research Group sponsored byNational Natural Science Foundation, one national advance group of professionaland technical personnel, one Yangtze River Scholars Innovative Research Team designatedby Ministry of Education, and one National Defense-related Science andTechnology and Industry Innovative Research Team, three national-level teachingteams, three national-level experimental teaching demonstration centers, onenational-level innovative experimental area for talents cultivation, twoprovincial-level "2011 project" collaborative innovation centers. YSUis evaluated as a national educational innovation college for engineeringgraduates, a national-level college to implement college students' innovativeentrepreneurial training plans, and a central member of CDIO InternationalCooperation organization in Asian Region.

★research output

YSU has a strong research backgroundwith fruitful results. It builds a state key laboratory, a national engineeringtechnology research center, a national-local joint engineering research center,a national-level "international science and technology cooperationbase", a national institute of technology transfer demonstration, a keydiscipline laboratory of national defense, an advanced science applicationcenter of national defense technology, and 28 provincial-level key laboratories,engineering research centers and research bases.

The university has won 16 national scientific andtechnological awards consecutively since 2000, including 2 First-class NationalScience and Technology Progress Awards, 9 Second-class Awards, 2 NationalTechnology Invention Awards, and 3 Second-class National Natural SciencesAwards. The university has undertaken more than 700 national research projects,including those funded by 973 Programs, 863 Programs, as well as the NationalNatural Sciences Foundation and the National Social Sciences Foundation. Itscompetitiveness in scientific innovation ranks around 60 among all theinstitutes of higher education in China.

YSU National high-tech Park and YSU Press are attachedto YSU.

★Students development

Over the years, YSU has been focusing on cultivatinghigh-quality innovative, application-oriented students according to the demandof industry and local economic development.

YSU is one of the first schools implementing“OutstandingEngineers Training Plan”. YSU also takes the lead in implementing the reform of“CDIO”teaching mode in the mechanical team in China. Actively working withstate-owned large and medium sized enterprises and research institutions, suchas, CFHI, Shougang Group, Angang Steel Company, and Heavy CNC etc., YSU hasbeen exploring a new school-enterprise joint mode to train high-qualitycreative, application-orientated students.

For many years, YSU nationalkey disciplines, key national laboratories, national engineering technologyresearch center and national university high-tech park and other high qualityeducational resources are highlighting their growing superiority in improvingthe quality of students.

For most students at YSU,their experiments, internships, course designs, graduation designs and otherpractical learning operations are done on these high-level education resourceplatforms to varying degrees.

That disciplines support teaching, scientific researchbenefits teaching and that industry pushes teaching is an important element to trainstudents. YSU graduates are favored by companies and schools for their“richknowledge, hard work and down-to-earth attitudes”

In 2011, Ministry of Education awarded the "NationalRepresentative of Experienced Colleges and Universities in graduates’Employment”to YSU.

★Geographic location

YSU is located in thebeautiful coastal city of Qinhuangdao with the Great Wall to its east, SummerResort Beidaihe its west, Yanshan Mountain its north and Bohai Sea its South.The straight line distance from the school gate to the Beach is 500 meters.